PayServe goes Mobile!!! - X Nations
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Old 03-10-2005, 09:43 AM   #1
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Default PayServe goes Mobile!!!

The big European money maker is now available in the US for PayServe

Promote this extra service next to our "Internet" services and make extra

You will receive a stunning 70% off all text messages you generate. An
average chat last about 30 messages !!!

Within the payserve stats you can follow your text message traffic real

How does it work?

A surfer is directed to Passion4U via
one of our banners or a text link and sees all those profiles of girls
looking for contact (or more...).

Each girl has her own code (which holds your payserve id also)and can be
contacted by sending a text message from a mobile phone to the number 46898.

The girl replies with a test message, the user is billed $1,99 for this. As
soon as the surfer responds he will get another message from this girl.
Payserve pays you 70% of our revenue on these premium text messages.

We have only real girls and woman replying the messages, no bots as they
only draw back the average number of text messages.

Each surfer is attached to your payserve id even if he stops the chat. We
will send him a free teaser message after a few days and if he responds he
is still on your account.

For Surfers:

This service is a great possibility to get in contact with one or more
participants via text chat. Are you curious, adventurous or maybe just a
little shy, this is the way to chat with girls all around the US. Anonymous
or not, its all up to you :-) You will be able to maintain 100% privacy and
your security is guaranteed. You don't need to register for our service,
simply text message the name to the short code next to it and we will
connect for you. It's easy, fun and most of all exciting.

Go to Payserve to signup, if you already
have a payserve account you won't need to signup of course.

Link code for this site, replace XXXXX for your affiliate ID:

Right now we have the banners up on:





Tests show that the conversions are very good.

The Payserve Team
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