Kristina Fey: 3 New tours! Amazing Conversions! - X Nations
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Old 03-27-2006, 09:45 PM   #1
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Default Kristina Fey: 3 New tours! Amazing Conversions!

Hi everyone,

Official Launch of Kristina Fey's New Tours!!

3 Amazing New Tours in Both English & Spanish with NATS & CCBill!

Default Tour

Erotic Tour

Amateur Tour

We are very happy with the results so far. Launched it Friday, unofficially. Amazing
how much a little tender love 'n care can boost sales and conversions.

Quick Facts:
- The default CCBill only tour is currently rotating between all three new tours.
- You may use any of the other tours seperately of course.

CCbill only tours are as follows:

- The new NATS tours are available in the admin.
- The Nats tours are as follows:

The rotating tour is for those who are not sure which kind of traffic they have or would like to test the waters to see what tour converts
best with their unique kinds of traffic.

Please do not use these linking codes. You must get your OWN in the PanchoDog admin. These are just for sample purposes. The CCBill
codes (451656), should just be replaced with your CCbill ID, available currently only in your ccbill affiliate admin. We will be adding a new CCBill
PanchoDog admin in the near future, for all CCBill only lovers.

After launching Katie's new tours, we were a bit aprehensive as to how Kristina's new tours would perform, since Katie was breaking all kinds
of records. Well, looks like out lil' Kristina is right up there, which makes us EXTREMELY happy and I know if you have checked your stats lately,
for Kristina or Katie, you'll see exactly what I mean.

If you have not promoted Kristina or Katie in the past, or HAVE but were not happy with the results, then try them now, to see what an improvement
we've made in improving sales & ratios for you, the affiliates.

Kristina is currently at 1:757 On average, programwide

Try her now!!!

The mass gallery generator in PanchoDog has been simplified for the time being, so it is very easy to get all the linking codes you need at once.

Kristina will be doing new live webcam shows very soon. Stay tuned!

Questions, comments and the like, are always welcome.

*If you are going to Phoenix and want to arrange a meeting, hit up uno on icq @ 111-914

ICQ: 144735794
Skype: panchodog
Phone: 1-213-596-6965
Phone: 1-512-213-0143
Mobile: 1-512-557-3763

ICQ: 111914
yahoo: uno_linux
aim: da orgasms
Mobile: 1-914-906-3587

Affiliate programs --------

Over 35 sites to promote!
Geo IP billing & alternate tours!
100% exclusive material!
All new designs!

Here are our top 10 converters RIGHT NOW:
1) KatieFey
2) AndiPink (Red Series)
3) KristinaFey
4) ArielRebel
5) FelicityFey
6) RedCityNudes (Red Series)
7) TrueTere (16x1)
8) LezBteens (16x1)
9) PiperFawn (16x1)
10) ExclusiveTgirls

°°20+ paysites!!°°
°°kristinafey°°°& Andi Pink!°° - porn is an art
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