Felicity Fey - All New Tours By Panchodog! - X Nations
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Old 04-19-2006, 08:40 PM   #1
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Default Felicity Fey - All New Tours By Panchodog!

Hi everyone,

Official Launch Of Felicity Fey's New Tours!!

3 Amazing Tours All In English & Spanish!
NATS & CCBill!

Default Tour

Erotic Tour

Amateur Tour

We launched the new tours about 10 days ago, tweaking, fixing, and adding things we thought
were needed. Sales and ratios for one of our best sites, are just flabbergasting (is that a word?).

This is our 3rd redesign and multiple tour revamp. Absolutely the right right thing to do.

If you have tried her in the past, and were not happy with the results, try her now, she's doing
300% better

Quick Facts:
- The default CCBill only tour is currently rotating between all three new tours.
- You may use any of the other tours seperately of course.

CCbill only tours are as follows:
- The new NATS tours are available in the www.panchodog.com admin.
- The Nats tours are as follows:The rotating tour is for those who are not sure what kind of traffic they have or would like to test the waters to see which tour does
best with their kinda of traffic.

Please do not use these linking codes. You must get your OWN in the PanchoDog admin. These are just for sample purposes. The CCBill
codes, should just be replaced with your CCbill ID, available currently only in your ccbill affiliate admin. We will be adding a new CCBill
PanchoDog admin in the near future, for all CCBill only lovers.

We think Felicity is the best busty teen site/cutest Penelope Cruz face you have ever laid eyes on


Questions, comments and the like, are always welcome.

ICQ: 144735794
MSN: ravinwall@yahoo.com
Skype: panchodog
Phone: 1-213-596-6965
Phone: 1-512-213-0143
Mobile: 1-512-557-3763
Email: rico@panchodog.com

Affiliate Manager
ICQ: 244185772
Phone: 1-213-596-6965
Email: support@panchodog.com

Dog Propagandist
ICQ: 111914
MSN: unozmailaddy@juno.com
Yahoo: uno_linux
AIM: da orgasms
Mobile: 1-914-906-3587
Email: uno@PanchoDog.com

Affiliate programs:
Over 35 sites to promote!
Geo IP billing & alternate tours!
100% exclusive material!
All new designs!

Here are our top 10 converters right now:
1) Katie Fey
2) Andi Pink (& Red Series)
3) Felicity Fey
4) Kristina Fey
5) Ariel Rebel (& Wild Tarts)
6) Kylie Teen (16x1)
7) Red City Nudes (Red Series)
8) True Tere (16x1)
9) Piper Fawn (16x1)
10) Exclusive Tgirls

°°20+ paysites!!°°
°°kristinafey°°°& Andi Pink!°°
CrazyBabe.com - porn is an art
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