05-25-2007, 07:10 PM
should edit this
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PLEASE HELP OUT; Shai from CECASH raising funds for Arthritis Foundation-PLZ DONATE..
Shai from CECash is taking on a personal challenge of physical endurance and strength.
He wants to make a difference and help raise funds for the arthritis foundation.
We all may need this help one day. who know.
In September, he will go to SF and ride his bike to participate in a 525 mile bicycle tour.
This will be no ordinary trip… it will be cycling for The Arthritis Foundation as a member of the "Amgen California Coast Classic Bicycle Tour."
On behalf of The Arthritis Foundation, the tour will be raising funds to support research and community based education programs for those millions of men, women, and children affected by arthritis.
The facts about arthritis are alarming. Nearly 46 million Americans currently suffer from arthritis - that's 1 out of every 3 people!
Arthritis research can make a difference.
The Arthritis Foundation devotes more than 11 million dollars annually on research and is leading the way to more successful treatments for arthritis.
Supporting The Arthritis Foundation by participating in the Amgen California Coast Classic Bicycle Tour is a very serious and important challenge.
I hope you will help me in the quest to raise as much money as I can and its a tax-deductible donation in any amount. Donations are easy and secure on-line:
Please Donate now ( http://www.2007ccc.kintera.org/socal/shprung )
Your support is greatly appreciated!
And Shai Shprung from CE gives a big, big thank you!
Your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
The arthritis foundation is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Tax ID # 95-1885447
Arthritis Foundation, Southern California Chapter contact information:
Email Address: arobertson@arthritis.org Phone: (800) 954-2873