Hey people
Its time we sexy up this board. Post your best photographs..
If there is a story associated - let us know in brief
Here is one I took in Papua New Guinea. It was on a flight from one island to the other. The pilots came to me and said they are sorry but due to a medical emergency they had to take a patient to the other island and were about to use my seat and they are very sorry and ask my permission to put me on a jump-seat. That didn't sound good - I though it meant I had to wait for the next available plane and hope it will have a free seat - but medical emergency! so I said ok.. So they said "Come with us"..
Do you know what jumpseat is? ITS THE SEAT BETWEEN THE TWO PILOTS
OMG! That was the BEST flight I had EVER!!! Words can not describe it.. but a picture might do a little good
Link to the big picture.. Click to enlarge..