This is why I don't shop with my wife anymore - X Nations
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Old 04-04-2003, 08:02 PM   #1
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Angry This is why I don't shop with my wife anymore

It's pretty slow today so I thought I'd share. Besides my wife asked me to go shopping. ROFLMFAO!!

We're in Polo Park in Winnipeg years ago, shopping for a shirt and we stop off at some store and she sees a shirt she really likes. The very first store mind you. I told her, "Cool, pick it up and let's go."

"No," she says, "I may find it cheaper somewhere else. Besides we just got here."

So we wander around the mall and she sees a couple of other things that she likes so she tries them on, but she doesn't like them once she's wearing them.

After about two hours of mindless wandering around, she stumbles across the exact same shirt in another store. I told her she better try it on just to be sure.

She tried it on and decided that this was the shirt she wanted. She looked at the price tag however and it was $2.00 more than the other place.

So, what do we do? That's right, we went right back to the first store we were at two hours earlier, picking up the very first shirt she saw.

We've been married for thirteen years now and I still just laugh at her whenever she asks me to go shopping.
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