07-29-2010, 12:38 PM
should edit this
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 97
xBucks: 51,423
NEW TOOL: In-Text Keyword Mouse-Overs for AFF!!
NEW TOOL: In-Text Keyword Mouse-Overs for AFF!!
This is extremely exciting! We're rolling out a brand new promotional tool at AdultFriendFinder.com this month! It's an in-text tool that you may have seen on mainstream sites pushing other products. When your surfer mouses over a double underlined word of your choosing, a small banner ad will appear for an AFF site of your choosing! When the mouse moves off the word, the banner disappears!

Get Me Started Right Now!
You can find the linking codes for this NEW tool in our affiliate area. Just Log In and click "Promotional Tools" in the top menu bar. Choose "Banners and Promotional Tools." Or go here to see what I mean!
On the tools page, under "Other Tools" you'll find a link for "In-Text Ads". Remember, the orange "C" means Customisable!
1. Choose a site to promote: AdultFriendFinder.com, ALT.com, Cams.com, OutPersonals.com, FriendFinder.com, Penthouse.com OR any of your own cobrands!
2. Choose a keyword to hyperlink. We've added a link to an extremely helpful keyword analysis tool to help you decide which words are best for your campaign.
3. Choose a destination page for your banner: Cover, Search Results, or Registration.
4. Add the code to the end of your BODY tag in your page's HTML!
You can add as many keywords as you like and change them at any time!
Good luck, everyone and have a great August!!

If you don't have an account with us yet, click here to get started! If you already promote any of the AdultFriendFinder/Penthouse sites, then you can use that account to promote any of our other sites! We make it easy for you! :thumbsup
If you have any questions, please contact your affiliate manager or you can talk to any of our team:
Andrea at yahoo# monkeygunnagetchu
Sagi at icq #348950862
myself at icq# 8526983 yahoo# streamrayelli