Three Great Reasons to Choose ClickCastX for Your VOD Site - X Nations
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Old 03-24-2011, 03:19 AM   #1
adultsitecms is AdultSiteCMS - Build Paysites in minutes!
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Thumbs up Three Great Reasons to Choose ClickCastX for Your VOD Site

Three Great Reasons to Choose ClickCastX for Your VOD Site

The complex process of setting up and managing your very own VOD theater paysite is made simpler and fun with the ClickCastX VOD system! Here are just a few of the benefits that ClickCastX offers for content owners:

* Digital Content Monetization

ClickCastX is the first of its kind - a full turn-key video and audio monetization system. With ClickCast, digital content owners can easily share and monetize their digital content on the Net.

ClickCastX supports the following business models: Pay-Per-Minute, Pay-Per-View, Pay-Per-Download, Memberships and VIP Memberships

In addition, ClickCastX works with the following billing companies:, DHD Media, Epoch, 2CO, NETbilling, PayPal, Zombaio, TrustCash and Authorize.Net

* Simple & Easy Content Management

ClickCastX has a simple but powerful interface where administrators can upload and encode videos in various formats for streaming. ClickCastX uses the latest Flash and MP4 streaming technology to deliver video and audio content for Web and mobile audiences.

ClickCastX also comes with eight ready-made themes. Each theme is fully customizable so you can modify them and create a unique design for your VOD paysite!

* Bundled Upgrades & Support

ClickCastX brings extreme value to VOD paysite owners for a minimum fee. The ClickCastX license fee includes ALL upgrades and support!

Contact ClickCastX for more information:

ClickCastX -
Tel: 818.276.1792
ICQ: 433-857-869

Watch our live demo: (Web) (Mobile)
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