Ever paid for Content you will not use? Videos at 0.0195$ per min. - X Nations
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Old 12-03-2003, 03:35 PM   #1
Zappu should edit this
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Default Ever paid for Content you will not use? Videos at 0.0195$ per min.

We have changed the billing for our leased content today, to make it more easier to use for you. You are able now, to buy traffic for the leased content in advance and just use it like you need it. So, you deceide, how much the leased content will cost you. You can set up your own PlugIn Galleries for Photos (1.600.000) and Videos (52.000 Minutes) even you will start at 10$ or go for 1000$. You will have the same amount of content available.

After you bought the traffic you may use it whenever you want and wherever you want. It's your choice to use the traffic in one week, four months or even in one year.
The used traffic by your site will be calculate by the content which is used by your users and customers. The statistics will be calculated 6 times a day. If you went down to 0.5Gb of traffic left in your account, you will be noticed via email of this and you just logon to the shop to buy some new traffic and refill your traffic account by using the form within the leased area.

The used Traffic is calculated in real Traffic. This means, if one of your users is loading a 500MB video, but he will watch it for 3 minutes only, you will NOT be billed for 500MB, you will be billed for the 3 minutes of traffic only. That's probably a little bit differen to other offers which are available.

To give you an figure of traffic, please calculate 10GB for 100 Members. If your Traffic Account went down to zero and you do not fill it up again, the leased content for your site will be stopped automatically!
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