Quebec's reputation precedes it, I only wish it was an April Fool's joke. - X Nations
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Old 04-01-2004, 04:32 PM   #1
sweet7 should edit this
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Thumbs down Quebec's reputation precedes it, I only wish it was an April Fool's joke.

Across this country, Canadians have one thing in common.
Our roads are falling apart. And that’s why we held this contest.

We received a lot of entries in our search for Canada's Best Pothole. In fact, we saw a lot of pictures of cars in holes. Apparently we all have a new thing to worry about: in Canada you could be driving along and the ground could suddenly open up and swallow you whole for no reason...

But our winning entry isn't so flashy. It comes from Stephen Goodman of Kanata, Ontario. His pothole doesn't look like much...but look what it did to the brand-new custom rims on his Lexus.

The following is what Steve sent to us:

This pothole is special because of the following true facts:
I bought these very cool custom wheels for my Lexus on a Wednesday.
On Thursday I told my wife that I was happy we do not live on the Quebec side because of their potholes.
On Friday I drove to the Quebec side to visit a friend, and met up with the pothole in the picture.
My new wheels lasted 2 days.
As you can see the pothole was designed by an expert crew of road workers, with a gentle slope inwards followed by a deep chasm and a sharp lip.

Congratulations Stephen. Your entry has done something rare and special: it made us feel sorry for a guy in a Lexus.
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ICQ: 282814268
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