WTF is wrong with the Canadian NHL teams?? - X Nations
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Old 05-03-2004, 08:43 PM   #1
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Default WTF is wrong with the Canadian NHL teams??

First Ottawa fires Jacques Martin. He played the best goalie they have. It's not his fault the best goalie the GM could give him is Patrick Lalime. Totally absurd.

This I figured was the worst move made by a Canadian NHL team in years. Yet, less than two weeks later, it's replaced by THE WORST move, possibly EVER by a Canadian NHL team.

Let me first make this clear in that I despise Brian Burke. I think he's an obnoxious, arrongant, opinionated man. This opinion was largely formed when he worked for the NHL head office.

However, he knows his hockey. And he DOES have integrity. He does what he feels is right, not what others think is popular. He took a floundering, second rate team who's populous appeared to have more of an affinity towards football and made it a hockey town once again. Not since the days of King Richard, were the locals as excited as they were about their NHL team of the last few years.

But the owners felt that he is the man who should pay the price for their team coming up against a well coached, disciplined team in Minnesota last year, and a knucklehead who attacks another player, thus disrupting the entire team this year.

Forget about the Canadian dollar people. Canadian teams suffer because they continue to make BAD decisions. Nothing more, nothing less.

Hell, look at Toronto, they STILL have Pat Quinn as head coach. Nuff said.
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