Special Announcement: He Shoots, He Scores, He Bails! - X Nations
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Old 12-14-2004, 04:53 PM   #1
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Default Special Announcement: He Shoots, He Scores, He Bails!

Hey Everyone...Larry Flynt has come out with some vintage Hustler satire for the web. This time his victim is Kobe Bryant in Tobey Bryan's Backcourt Violation.

Over 30 years of controversial Hustler satire continues as HustlerContent has created a Hustler-style version of the blockbuster Kobe Bryant affair that took place in Eagle, Colorado.

Kobe is always in the headlines, both on and off the court. He has dragged former teammates Shaquille O’Neal and Karl Malone into his real-life soap opera and has a huge upcoming Christmas Day grudge match against Shaq and the Miami Heat. Plus, his expectedly lengthy civil trial has no end in sight so this controversy will stay fresh.

Webmasters, give basketball fans and curious onlookers around the globe this powerful tool; which is the only chance they’ll ever get to be a fly on the wall in one of the biggest events in not just NBA, but sports history!

This satiric video journey reveals the sordid life of America’s top athlete, Tobey Bryan, and his horny teammates from Dr. Gary Gus’ L.A. Shakers. Tobey craves anal sex and another championship ring, but after realizing the dangers of celebrity sex, he finds his world turning upside down. He shoots, he scores, he bails!

For more information about this promotion, please call (888) 330-3660 or email sales@hustlercontent.com.

Happy Holidays!

ICQ# 266158705


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