We want to buy your Traffic - X Nations
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Old 12-21-2002, 12:15 AM   #1
Cheeba Filas
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Thumbs up We want to buy your Traffic

We don't want to trade traffic. We don't have galleries so that doesn't work.

This is what we will pay for unique traffic:

10k $30 for test need t o see 2 conversions
25k $63
50k $105
100k $190 if we see 1:1300 on the traffic you send we will pay weekly
250k $410
500K $720
1mil $1200

Contact us ASAP we want to buy your traffic all of it. Let's see what your made of. Can you push 10k to 20k a day. Contact me ICQ, phone, airmail, messaging pigeon A.S.A.P.

Traffic must be grade A "Americana"...

P.S. Don't worry guy's I know we buy traffic from a lot of you already. We will still buy traffic from you and yes we will still buy 100k a week. It's just that most of you can't supply the traffic we need daily. We need more. Capiche

ICQ: 147573683
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