First of all, come here let me give you some love
Now let's all have a

Everyone knows we've all made mistakes.
We are imperfect.

*whispers "shocking isn't* LOL
Honey, the best advice that I can give you is to open yourself up. Acknowledging that one has made a mistake is step one.
Shows you still have a coincense, HAHA if I'm even spelling that right
You get my drift :O)
Not very many people in this day in age do. Trust me I'm a BAD lier. Hell I don't even know how to spell Lie-er.. HAHA
So yeah knowing these things are a GOOD thing doll.
Just be honest with yourself and whom ever it is you've hurt sweetie. Keep your mind open to percieving both sides. And take in everything that person has to say about their feelings.
That's when you have to humble yourself. You made a mistake there are consequences that come with it. Every action has a reaction.

I know I know it sucks. But trust me you'll learn from it and you'll be able to move forward from it.
If they forgive you, great. Because that's what love is all about.
Loving eachother through all our faults. So just be honest, get it all out and talking about it always helps.
I know when I talk about something long enough (Venting) which can take a couple hours or so I soon get over it. :O)
I can't stay down for too long though. Got to stay up
You win some, you lose some. You live and learn. That's what makes us stronger and wiser. Don't you forget that
If you need someone to talk to. Please don't hesitate hit me up on ICQ 289236466
My door is ALWAYS open to helping another.
That's what fulfills my purpose.
<3 Gracie
Hope I've helped a bit and you are having a better day.