Open Your Video Clips Store Today! Free! - X Nations
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Old 10-17-2005, 12:49 PM   #1
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Default Open Your Video Clips Store Today! Free!

New Revenue Stream for Content Owners Opens at

Sell Video Clips By The Download, Open Your own Video Clips Store Free and Earn 60% of every sale!

PRESS RELEASE - October 17, 2005 - FLORIDA - After a full year in development is proud to announce the grand opening of their site for webmasters, amateurs, content producers, and adult business owners. Built on a pay-per-clip download revenue model, similar to digital music stores online today, webmasters now have the ability to create their own store on the website, upload their own unique content, and earn revenue from the sales each clip generates.

During the grand opening phase Clips4Me has begun an aggressive marketing plan and will be sending FREE TRAFFIC to each store. Content owners can earn revenue for free simply by creating a store and uploading clips today.

"The more original, unique and niche, the better the clips sell", says's webmaster Jack Martin. We find that amateur and extreme/fetish content, even self produced video clips from medium to high quality, will generate the most income based on how well it is described in the store. This is why it is so important for the webmaster, performer, or content owner to create their own stores and submit accurate descriptions. It's up to them how much money they want to make by submitting a variety of videos."

Any webmaster or producer with legal ownership and 2257 documentation may submit content and create a store by registering at To assist with USC2257 compliance, all store owners will receive a free account with xSafe (, the premier online 2257 compliance solution. All uploaded clips are automatically entered into a store owner's xSafe account. performs all of the necessary administration for the store owner so they can focus on creating and presenting their custom video clips. This includes customer billing and store owner disbursements, advertising, secure hosting of the clips, and provides ample bandwidth for clip transmissions. Store owners can receive their disbursements via check or electronic banking transfer on a monthly basis.

For free traffic, a free pay-per-download video clips store, and a chance to earn more revenue with the content investments you have already made, visit and open your video clips store today.

Information for Content Store Owners:

Store Owner FAQ:

To Signup and Open a Store:

This is a courtesy announcement posted for is a client of ACMG (AdultChamber Marketing Group) ACMG is a service for companies who need experienced help marketing to adult webmasters, managing their advertising campaigns, PPC campaigns, SEO, and other internet marketing needs. For more information contact
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