YNOTRadio Takes a Direct Strike from Hurricane Wilma - X Nations
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Old 10-28-2005, 01:32 AM   #1
SEGuru should edit this
Mental Masturbater
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Angry YNOTRadio Takes a Direct Strike from Hurricane Wilma

Hey All,

Pardon the late post, as I am working from a borrowed computer and have had to go through quite a bit to first get my family and myself to safety.

As we were running like the wind from South Florida to beat the rush for Gas and supplies after Wilma's strike, we stopped at the YNOT Radio's Studios just off of I-95 in Deerfield Beach.

Folks, it looked like someone set off a bomb in our parking lot. We were able to ensure the studio itself seems intact with no blown in glass. However, no power means no live programming.

So we immediately left there to go across the freeway to check our corporate offices and all looks well there, just again...no power.

So we immediately made our way north to Orlando and am at one of the Hotels near Disney. I'm feeding the radio station just music at this time as we cannot do normal programming until we get back into the studio.

FEMA and Florida Power & Lighting are our word for when we can return. We have friends that are camping...literally...in their condos and keeping an eye on things. When we can return, you can surely bet that YNOT Radio will be back like a vengence...as we;ve been working on a whole new line up of programming for you folks.

Thanks for your patience and support during this trying time for us.
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