Webinc announces total portfolio and price structure overhaul - X Nations
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Old 11-15-2005, 05:53 PM   #1
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Exclamation Webinc announces total portfolio and price structure overhaul

Everyone here at Webinc is thrilled to announce the complete redesign and relaunch of the Webinc portfolio!

The entire Webinc webpage has been rebuilt from the ground up to allow our clients to more easily access information on our wide variety of products and services we offer.

Hundreds of new site designs have been added to our already expansive paysite portfolio and now there are separate sections of the paysite portfolio for traditional, reality, affiliate and mainstream site designs. Such a structure ensures our clients have a better way of determining the type of site design that best fits their business needs.

Webinc's online banner portfolio continues to be the largest in the industry and in coming weeks the addition of 35,000 new samples to the Webinc's will certainly cement that even further.

In addition to our traditional services Webinc is now also pleased to offer a toon and character design service. A full Toon/Character portfolio is available on the website.

Not only has the Webinc portfolio been streamlined but so has our price structure. From now on there is no longer a price difference between animated or static banners. The price for every banner is the same regardless of shape, size or if they are static or animated. We know that clients want variety in their banner orders and we are happy to simplify the process.

Paysite designs also have a new price structure. Standard paysite design packages now start at just $1099 and reality site design packages at only $899.

The standard paysite package #1 includes:

1 splash page ( incl. logo )
1 completely unique tour page
1 join page
10 banners ( any sizes )

Total Price = $1099

The reality paysite package #1 includes:

1 header ( incl. logo )
1 reality episode box template
1 footer
10 banners ( any sizes )

Total Price = $899

The one thing that hasn't changed at Webinc is our continual commitment to providing all of our clients with top quality design and customer service.

If you need any help or have any questions feel free to contact me at sarah@webinc.com or on icq at 232834291 .

$35 per FREE and PAID Trial Memberships at MaxCash.com

If you need any help or have any questions contact me at sarah@maxcash.com or on icq at 232834291
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