QFest: Party Hard, Win Big! - X Nations
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Old 12-23-2005, 09:50 AM   #1
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Default QFest: Party Hard, Win Big!

QFest Raffle - Win Big, Party Hard!

[Miami, FL] The sponsors of the third annual QFest Gay Photoshoot Party are going all out this year, and many party-goers will leave with a prize! If hot guys, good food and plenty of boozer weren’t enough to convince you to attend QFest, thousands of dollars worth of raffle prizes should cinch the deal.

Each attendee will be given a gift bag filled with sponsor goodies as they leave the party. Lucky winners will find an envelope in their bag telling them what they’ve won.

Prizes include:
$350 Gift Basket from IDLube – to be shipped to winner
Gift Cards from CCBill
Puppy Pack from BadPuppy
Backpack from PrideBucks
2 HustlaBall Regular Admission Tickets
$500 Advertising Credit with Cybersocket
NakedSword Gift Pack
DVD and Tshirts from PrideBucks
And more prizes are being added daily!

Just make sure to grab your Qfest gift bag on your way out the door to win!

QFest kicks off Internext January 4th from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Venetian in the Penthouse Suite. The third annual bash is sponsored by ManCheck.com, CCBill.com, JustUsBoys.com, CyberSocket.com, NakedSword.com, DogGoneVideo.com, RentBoy.com and PrideBucks.com.

Media Sponsors are: Klixxx Magazine, Unity360.com and AVNOnline.

For more information, go to http://www.pridebucks.com/qfest. To RSVP, email david@pridestudios.com

Epoch - Your WorldWide Billing Soultion

ICQ: 209592911
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