Originally posted by TheLegacy
OMG - that is too funny
sadly though I can see why it wasn't allowed since to acknowledge a fetus as a life form would give anti-abortionists a strong case on their side.
Legacy...that's very true, and a salient point. I do believe, however, that the Judge's reaction was more along the lines of "oh, for fuck's sake...."
I once knew a woman who had one of those names that could be either male or female. (Kind of like...oh..."Morgan."

) Through an error, she got a notice to report for the draft. (This, of course, occured back when there was one.) She threw it out. The uniformed people showed up at her door. She answered the door, listened to their canned speech, and pointed down at her quite visible pregancy.
She had to get a note from her doctor affirming she was female.
Our government at work.