Danny Collins Wins the 2002 Webmaster Of The Year Award - X Nations
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Old 01-08-2003, 01:29 PM   #1
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Thumbs up Danny Collins Wins the 2002 Webmaster Of The Year Award

January 8, 2003 - Las Vegas, NV. The 2002 Webmaster of the Year Award ceremony was held at the InterNext Expo in Las Vegas January 7th where the presentation was hosted by Klixxx Magazine, AdultChamber.com, and the Webmaster of the Year Sponsors. With generous assistance from Bob Rice (YnotBob) of YnotMasters.com, President of AdultChamber.com Marc Laffer and Joe E of Klixxx presented each finalist and announced Danny Collins of WebmasterJoint.com as the 2002 Webmaster of the Year contest winner.

About the 2002 Webmaster of the Year Winner
Danny Collins has been a long time writer for Klixxx Magazine and administrating webmaster for AdultWebmasterGold.com (launched in 1997), recently renamed WebmasterJoint.com. Adult industry writer, reporter, and in-the-trenches webmaster, Danny is not only a founding member of the IFA, he is also a corner stone member of our adult webmaster community.

Not afraid of debate, Danny has always confronted issues that affect our industry head on. From legalities to ethics, to security and marketing, Danny has proven that he is dedicated to not only bringing webmasters timely news and information, he is dedicated to telling it like it is, and shows qualities of honesty and integrity in his work and with those he works with.

His insightful articles designed to help webmasters, his ability to create a community and manage message boards with integrity, his development of webmaster resources and informational archives makes Danny an excellent selection for the 2002 Webmaster of the Year!

Read the complete interview and learn more about Danny at WebmasteroftheYear.com

Danny was awarded the Grand Prizes including an official framed certificate, an 8day/7night stay at SuperClubs.com Hedonism III in Jamaica (all inclusive), a weeks all inclusive stay at the Caribbean Reef Club in Cancun, Mexico, an Apple iPod (contributed by CashClicks.com), a Handspring Visor Palm Pilot (contributed by XXXWebHosting.com), and $2,500 in Cash!

Klixxx also gave away 4 Zire Palm organizers in a drawing after the presentation to the crowd of about 75 people in attendance for the ceremony. Overall the contest and the award presentation was a success and awarded 12 very hard working webmasters with prizes and well deserved recognition.

About the 2002 Contest Sponsors
The 2002 Webmaster of the Year Contest was sponsored and judged by the following panel of board members:

AdultChamber.com: Adult Webmaster Resource Center with over 6,500 visitors per day.
Klixxx Magazine: Adult Webmaster Print Publication. 100% Free Online Subscription!
SilverCash: Now offering up to 80$ Rev Share, 15$ Cross Sales, Pop-Up Free links, & Rewards.
Adult Revenue Service: ARS Professional, leading the Affiliate Program Industry. +100 Sites!
PayServe: Europe's leading multiple money making program with Credit Card + Dialer Payouts
XXXWebHosting: Adult web hosting since 1996, offers streaming media to ecommerce hosting.
Cash Clicks: 10 sites to promote now paying up to $45 per sign up or $.10 per click.
Web Site Billing: An industry leader in E-Commerce, Fraud Prevention and Affiliate
Smut Bucks 5.0: Earn 35$ per sign up & the only program to offer its webmasters Pre-Payment.

2003 Webmaster of the Year Contest
The 2003 Webmaster of the Year Contest is schedule to begin accepting nominations on January 15, 2003. Please check in at http://WebmasterOfTheYear.com or visit http://AdultChamber.com for updates. Interested in becoming a 2003 contest sponsor? Please contact Contest@WebmasterOfTheYear.com to request more information or click here.

Thank you to everyone for your support, participation, and for making the first annual Webmaster of the Year Contest a delightful success! Congratulations to all the Webmaster Winners and best wishes in 2003. Keep up the great work!

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