Sean Clarke AKA Johny Bulldog .. took his own life on April 2nd 2006
I just read this on an other board .. and the thread got highjacked by some shithead...
So I'd like to move it to this board .. and remember Sean the way I knew him. Always with a smile and always willing to help out a friend.
Back in 2003 I was struggling to make it in this bussiness .. Very important to me was to attend the vegas Internext and avn show. it ould make or break my year. All I could afford at the time was a plane flight to vegas. Sean graciasly offered to share his room with me to help me out. I had never met him before. That weekend I learn what a great person he was. On the final night of internext one of my models had a bad e trip, and he offered himself, his night to watch over her. And was a perfect gentlemen. Any one else would of taken advantage of a stoned out hard core content girl. but not Sean ...
I only had the opertunity to do one other show with sean, Vancouver of the same year. Once more Sean was awesome to hang with .. we all had a wonderful time with him that year ...
You'll never be forgotten Sean "bulldog johnny" Clarke ... rip brother