JAYMANCASH officially releases SabbyVanRyan.com!!! - X Nations
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Old 06-13-2006, 04:39 AM   #1
selena is Plankton in a Sea of Porn
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Arrow JAYMANCASH officially releases SabbyVanRyan.com!!!

In the last year, JayMan Cash has set a pattern of breaking out of the mold
and trying new things. That has been reflected in everything from our
promotional materials to our selection of new sites to include in our
portfolio. In that tradition, We are proud to announce the official release
of our latest site, SabbyVanRyan.com!

Sabby has been in the online adult business since 1999, as both a webmaster
and a cam model. In her early days, she was a successful traffic builder
focusing mainly on AVS and toplists. She has been with Interclimax since
2003 as a studio partner and is one of their top cam performers "Imallboobs"
and has already made quite an impact as the glamorous and busty blonde with
an outrageous style and zany sense of humor. She has now decided to expand
her horizons further and is delighted to also have her own site with

Along with her innumerable talents, Sabby brings a strong work ethic to
jaYManCash. Affiliates promoting her will benefit immensely from her drive,
as it will be reflected in her retention ratios.

All the promo tools you will need are ready, with hosted free sites on the
way. Should you need something special, contact any member of the
jaYManCash team, and we'll do our best to assist you.
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