~~ Great offer inside, list your galleries only $5 ~~ - X Nations
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Old 08-09-2006, 12:45 PM   #1
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Default ~~ Great offer inside, list your galleries only $5 ~~

I'm feeling generous today, and this is a great opportunity for those who would like their gallery or galleries to gain exposure!! For only $5 I will place your gallery in the "Random Gallery" script at the top of each section of these sites for a total of 1 month, that's right a top spot for an entire month for only $5.

http://www.sweatysexdump.com and http://www.blazinghotporn.com

Here's how it works... I include your gallery link in the gals.txt file which is retreived by a .PHP script when surfers click on the "Random Gallery" link. There are only 20 slots available, as I will only have 20 galleries in total for the month in the gals.txt file, that will guarantee maximum exposure for each gallery.

Also, say you want 4 different galleries during the month, you can simply give me the 4 links and I will change your gallery slot each week of the month. If you want 2 different galleries then I will keep each of your galleries up for two weeks out of the month and the cost is still only $5, unless of course you want to purchase more than one slot. To keep it fair, a maximum of 3 slots can be sold to one individual. If you purchase 3 slots, and make only 1 sale, you still get your money back and then some, depending on your sponsor payouts of course.

If you want to use FHG's, that is absolutely fine as well, or if you need your gallery hosted you can simply send me a .zip and I'll even host the gallery for you for the entire month. If you choose to host the gallery yourself that method will work as well, basically whatever you choose.

Your gallery link(s) will be up from Ausust 21, 2006 until September 20, 2006, a total of 1 month.


If you are interested in this wonderful offer, simply toss me a PM or eMail me at:

info [at] blazinghotporn [dot] com

with any questions or with details of your gallery. Please note, I can only accept ePass or PayPal.

So, what are you waiting for folks? This offer won't last long, purchase your slot(s) before it is too late. Good luck to everyone!

~~ Blazi ~~
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Old 08-09-2006, 01:51 PM   #2
blazi should edit this
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8 slots gone so far, still 12 available folks so get in while you can
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Old 08-10-2006, 07:51 PM   #3
blazi should edit this
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all slots have been sold, thanks and good luck to everyone who participated!!
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Old 08-10-2006, 09:14 PM   #4
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For my boy Blazi!
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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