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Old 08-21-2006, 10:34 PM   #1
Big_D should edit this
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Default HDTVBucks.com - All High Definition Videos! One Great Affili

Hello everyone,

My name is Big "D" and I am a representative of HDTVBucks.com. I am making this post to fill you in on all the latest information related to the internet adult industry and our program. High definition video is the future in every aspect. It has started with sports and informative television as well as spread to cable movie channels and finally the online adult industry. HDTVBucks.com has geo-targeted ads, free hosted galleries, high quality banners, and plenty more methods of promoting the website http://www.hdtvhotties.com. We offer high definition downloads to all of those whom enter our members section and updates happen biweekly. Every two weeks we upload 4-8 full length high definition videos to the content area of the members section to keep them coming back for more.

As for payment our partnership program you earn 50% of each initial signup as well as 50% of each rebill for the lifetime of the membership. Since your rebills build over time, your revenue potential is practically unlimited! Plus it's all tracked by CCBill at this time so you don't have to worry about getting shaved or if you are going to get paid! Just as an update over the next few weeks we will be moving all primary billing to Paycom and all affiliate managment and tracking to MPA3.

An alternative method of payment is our pay per signup program. You get paid a flat $25 dollars per signup for each and every member you send, regardless of how long they remain a member! You send us the traffic and let us turn them into $$$ for you! This program is also tracked by the good folks at CCBill, so you know you don't have anything to worry about, except sending those signups!

With this new High Definition technology we can guarantee high conversion rates on the traffic you send to our sites. With all of our advertising options and High Quality content why not join us and make some real money? If you need help with anything feel free to contact me, Big "D" and I will do my best to help you with any promotional material you may need or questions you may have. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you soon as an affiliate.

Best Regards,
BIG_D - WERD » ICQ: 711-378 » Skype: BigDBitches

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