Give me your review on my buddies new website. "hooters pic" - X Nations
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Old 09-22-2006, 01:03 AM   #1
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Default Give me your review on my buddies new website. "hooters pic"

Any tips and kind regards on helping him achieve success press on!!:thumbsup

I am launching my new website next week and I want you all to go and register. The site, as some of you already know, is and is the web version of the column I write in HOOTERS Magazine.

When we launch you’ll get inside info on everything guys want, need, eat, drink, ride, play… all delivered free to your in-box every day. And it’ll be quick and simple, because I know some of you have short attention spans. You’ll also be able to save the stuff you like to a personal archive called “My Bachelor Pad”, so you can refer to it anytime. There’s lots of other stuff too, but you’ll see.

Spread the word. Tell everyone you know. Go thru your email lists. Tell your IM buddies. Go on your MySpace page and tell all your “friends”. Our goal is 10,000 subscribers by the end of October. And we are working right now with some of our vendors to supply products for giveaways to randomly selected subscribers. So if it’s not wonderful enough to get an email from me everyday, you have a shot at winning a valuable prize.

Thanks, and go register!


Eric Rogell
[adj.] 1. Exceptionally Creative.
2. Imaginative.

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[noun] 1. Supplies the high voltage power.
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