Make even More from your referrals with MoreNiche - X Nations
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Old 01-03-2007, 10:38 AM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Nottingham
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Thumbs up Make even More from your referrals with MoreNiche

Happy New Year peeps!

There's no better way to kick off this glowing new year than with yet another money making development from MoreNiche™! I believe you've all been going crazy over the festive period, now it's time to recoup that cash you've blown over the last couple of weeks.

To keep even more flowing to your MN account in 2007 we have developed a brand new 2nd tier options to give you more options, flexibility and even MORE MONEY!!

Option 1.
You can now get a higher one off $30 bonus for referring an active webmaster

Option 2
$20 Bonus and % of their sales for life

Option 3
Is multi tiered, you get paid on your 2nd tier, 3rd tier and 4th tier affiliate payouts! A more long term option which has the potential to snowball into ridiculous commissions for doing nothing.

The great thing is you can run simultaneous campaigns depending on the type of webmaster you are recruiting. For example, for noobs why not go for the higher one off payment scheme, for intermediate guys the 2nd option would probably be best, where as someone who you know will build their 2nd tier i would use the 3rd option.

Cash Activation Bonuses

The chances of your 2nd tier making their 1st sale will also be drastically increases with our new CABs system, where new referrals gets a bonus every time they take a step towards their 1st sale - more details to come.

So go for it! Refer an affiliate "whale", sit back while watching the cash rolls in!
ICQ 214-498-740

$100+ per a sale on Penis enlargement, weight loss and sex guides. Ratios of 1:20, see our top 10 "TGP stores" available....
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