BiReviews Seeks Quality: Bisexual, Shemale, Tranny, Couples sites for Reviews - X Nations
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Old 09-25-2007, 12:07 PM   #1
Relentless should edit this
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Lightbulb BiReviews Seeks Quality: Bisexual, Shemale, Tranny, Couples sites for Reviews

My newest review site is nearing its projected launch date. It is the only site that offers its members a real working Gaydar designed to sort sites by sexual preference and gender preference at a glance. will be focusing on: Bisexual, Tranny, Shemale, Couples and Female Surfer content. I am looking for high quality sites to review in those niches. Eventually all site niches will be included on BiReviews but I am hoping to build on the above named categories specifically at first.

I am looking for high quality sites that are well worth the cost of admission; sites that will earn good scores in honest reviews. The content can be exclusive or non-exclusive. Your site's conversion ratios are not important to me. What matters most is that the tour must accurately reflect the content in the members area and the site must be worth the price. If you have a site that you are proud of and want to have it reviewed please register it at the following link:

You can also reach me via ICQ or email if you have any questions at all. I am already getting a large number of sites registered so please make sure temp user/passes are good for at least 90 days. Also, if your sites have already been reviewed on please register them on as well if you want to have them reviewed on both sites.

As always, sites that post reciprocal links back to my review will be reviewed before sites that do not - but links will not in any way affect site review scores.

When your review is completed it will be shown to you BEFORE it is published to make sure all reviews are accurate. If you speak to anyone who has had a site reviewed by me in the past they will tell you my reviews are honest and my intention is to help you improve your site with a fair process that includes insight from someone who has reviewed over 1,000 members areas personally.

I thank you for your interest in BiReviews and I look forward to a mutually prosperous business relationship with quality sponsor site owners.

- Relentless

*I also welcome any feedback the Xnations experts care to offer about the new site. Some of the buttons artwork etc is still being completed but the overall site is roughly what it will be at launch.
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Old 09-25-2007, 01:41 PM   #2
Terrence should edit this
Let it rip!
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I'm going to have a look Relentless thank you for posting the release of these new sites.

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