Hello all!
I'm just another newbie webmaster.
i have a few questions to all of you, advanced webmasters tell me what u think...
OK lets see...
i started to develop a website on 27. september 2007. about two and half months ago.
Please note this is my "
first site"...
Please note this site is
hungarian so traffic is mutch lower than english or international.
The website is hungarian but 90% of the content is linking to english sites.

may you ask why...
This is because when i started to build the site, i searched for quality free content.than i found websites with affiliate programs (the whole webmaster scene was totally new for me.)
later i realised, i don't found mutch free content on hungarian pages.i mean content to promote...
so i started with english language sites.i thinked may many of my visitors know english and this is not a problem.
May something wrong with the site, because i dont got any money from it.
or may the problem is the
- 1. hungarian
- 2. low quality (searching for free content)
or may the problem is the site is too young (two and a half months)?
google is just started to found me...
i mean SE Traffic % growing day by day (1% / day) google analytics...
Please note again, i dont spend any money to the website.
the whole thing created totally free.
Other thing is, may the whole website structure wrong...
(something like: a portal mixed with a TGP ...)
i think about things like:too mutch free content for each affiliate etc...(what u think?)
what u think?
it is worth to continue develop this site (buy domain, move to pay server, google adwords campaign, SPEND MONEY...)
what u think?
If you see my analytics stats i'm making thing right?or is this stats good or bad?
i dont have any idea.i even dont have a friend who develop websites...
so i'm really lost
Or just simply leave it alone...and start another of course
The site is here:
I hope that i linked it's not a problem.if yes than just delete it. thanx
Google analytics visitors:


Please telL me what u think!
(oh and sorry for my bad english)