Thanks guys. I emailed clickcash a few days ago and asked them some questions about that and asked if it was ok, but still haven't got any reply from them at all. It would be great if they do that kind of stuff it's just, they're website is so empty (no promo tools, pictures) nothing. All they have is a few banners to choose from, and as you could see the sign up forms arent nothing to write home about. well, they really do not seem to make any effort at all and just seem to leave everything up to the webmaster to work out for themself. Atleast that's the impression I got. I could be missing something though. I'm very new at this as you can see but I never heard of ifriends doing anything like that. And if they don't reply soon I may end up just using their form.
Now I have one more question for you guys. this may sound really stupid but here goes. If I put the sign up form in an iframe (instead of linking to it and using my affilate account code in the link) is there some way I can still get credit for making the sale or is that not even possible at all?

Cause in that case what was I thinking?!!
Well thanks for helping a confused newbie