9 Years - X Nations
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Old 08-22-2008, 11:56 AM   #1
BoardGoerge is smiling
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Default 9 Years

The number " 9 " carries a special significance. Ancient Chinese regarded odd numbers as masculine. "Nine", the largest single digit number, was taken as representing "ultimate masculinity" and was, therefore, symbolic of the supreme sovereignty of the emperor.

This month, on the 28th August 2008, CuriousCash turns 9 years old.

CuriousCash are one of the oldies now and thanks to you, one of the largest Male affiliate programs on the net.

Our roots can be traced back via BoyBucks and Boy Models Australia since 1999.

From day 1 way back then, CuriousCash have always had a policy of building long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with affiliate webmasters.

9 years in this rapidly and every changing industry is quite an achievement. An achievement that would never be able to be realized if it wasn’t for the resolute support of loyal webmasters. Affiliates have been benefiting from up to 80% revshare, great conversions, retentions and most importantly being paid on time every time over the past 9 years.

Shooting their own exclusive content on location in Australia. CuriousCash reckon they have some of the best natural good looking males in the world in Australia and want to show them off to the world, for all to see.

They will be making another release soon as to another, exciting way you the webmaster can make even more money by sending your traffic to CuriousCash.

CuriousCash thanks you for all your support over the past - 9 years !

Here’s to the future !!!

On a final note All Australian Boys and Australian Males have been re built to a new wide-screen format. Conversions to these premium sites have increased commensurately. Check them out today !

IMPORTANT NOTE: CuriousToyBoy is NOT indicative of CuriousCash's hot boy models !!!!

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