Rape, incest, pissing, fisting... - X Nations
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Old 03-22-2003, 11:37 AM   #1
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Question Rape, incest, pissing, fisting...

I read this article: http://www.allforyou.com/adult/sarah...down-trap.html

according to this, rape, incest, pissing, fisting, and other forms of extreme fetish are illegal.

is it really illegal or is it legal to use content that's "fake rape", "fake incest", etc. and illegal to use content that's real..?

if it is illegal, then why are there so many sites using such content? you can just search google and get access to tons of free sites..

are there any webmasters here with sites that have extreme fetish like this? i was really surprised when i read the article and saw that pissing and fisting was illegal coz i know a lot promoting such sites...
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