Cross Out, Write In Writing Evaluation (Part 2) - Adult B2B Marketing Tip - X Nations
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Old 08-13-2009, 01:52 PM   #1
AdultB2B is your marketing gun for hire
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Default Cross Out, Write In Writing Evaluation (Part 2) - Adult B2B Marketing Tip

Cross Out, Write In Writing Evaluation - Part 2

Yesterday we discussed the writing evaluation, "Cross out, Write in". We used as an example a law firm who's ad was full of generalities.

By way of comparison, let's take a look at one of their competitor's ads. One page over there's an ad with a headline that says, in really big font, "Bankruptcy". This time there's no guy, but there's that familiar stop sign again. "Stop Foreclosures, Repossessions, IRS Garnishments, blah blah blah blah blah." Different ad, same stuff. This ad has a picture of an attorney, and he looks pretty friendly. But do you think you could cross his name off this ad and put in a competitor's name and the ad still be accurate? Of course.

Why is passing this evaluation so important? Because your marketing should build a case for your business that definitively and conclusively allows a prospect to draw the conclusion, "I would have to be an absolute fool to do business with anyone else but you...regardless of price." If your marketing builds that kind of case, then there's going to be things you do that are unique, that are different, that are better...and that your competitors just couldn't and wouldn't say. In other words, your marketing needs to communicate your company's Inside Reality. If you remember, the Inside Reality, has to do with all the things your business does that actually makes it valuable to your customers - from a product, operations, and management standpoint. It's what gives you a competitive advantage in the marketplace. It's the instantly recognizable things that make your business great. It's your 'Something Good To Say.' And if you truly have something good to say, and you can say it well, then there's no way you'd be able to fail this writing evaluation.

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