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Old 11-30-2009, 01:22 PM   #1
Evil Chris
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Default Dear Bobby Orr, TSN, and Chevrolet

If your contest excludes people residing in the province of Quebec from entering, stop sending me the offers and shove your contest in your ASS!

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chris at | ICQ 342827
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Old 11-30-2009, 05:52 PM   #2
rhetorical is cantankerous
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris View Post
If your contest excludes people residing in the province of Quebec from entering, stop sending me the offers and shove your contest in your ASS!
Move to Canada and take advantage of the offers.
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Old 12-01-2009, 12:45 AM   #3
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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I'm pretty sure that's more the fault of the Quebec government than it is the contest isn't it? Hell, half the Canadian contests I see excludes Quebec residents. There must be a reason.

The funny thing is, and I'm serious about this, is if they somehow drew my name, YOU were gonna be one of my "friend" picks. Why you ask? It's not that I'm lacking for friends, but with the exception of two, I don't think any of them could hit the net if they were standing in the slot, let alone the blueline. I figured at least you'd played hockey before. But I never even thought about you living in Quebec.

Maybe I'll have to go with mailman now. Jeez.
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Old 12-01-2009, 12:47 AM   #4
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Uh huh...

The reason why residents of Quebec are not eligible to enter many Canada sweepstakes is not because the sponsors don't want to advertise in Quebec, and it's nothing personal against any of the residents of that fine province. Rather, many sweepstakes are void in Quebec because the sponsors must follow a stringent set of rules set out by the Quebec government.

For example, in order for sponsor to skip the "void in Quebec" restriction, Quebec sweepstakes law requires that the sponsors must do some or all of the following things:

* Register the sweepstakes rules and all advertisements used to promote the contest with the Quebec government at least 30 days ahead of the sweepstake's launch.
* Pay a fee of 10% of the sweepstake's value.
* Agree to allow the government of Quebec to mediate any lawsuits arising from the contest.
* Follow strict guidelines about the contents of the sweepstakes rules.
* Allow the Quebec government to determine if the sweepstake may be changed or canceled once it has started.
* File a written report after the contest has concluded, attesting that the prizes have been delivered or attempted to be delivered.
* Agree to follow a number of other rules and guidelines. See the Quebec Sweepstakes Laws.

While these laws are intended to protect the citizens of Quebec, they are also a significant burden of money and resources to sweepstakes sponsors, and the consequences for a mistake are severe. Rather than run the risk of facing legal action if these long and complicated rules are not followed to the letter, many sponsors take the easy route of making their contests void in Quebec.
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Old 12-01-2009, 01:26 AM   #5
rhetorical is cantankerous
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Originally Posted by Ronaldo View Post
Uh huh...

The reason why residents of Quebec are not eligible to enter many Canada sweepstakes is not because the sponsors don't want to advertise in Quebec, and it's nothing personal against any of the residents of that fine province. Rather, many sweepstakes are void in Quebec because the sponsors must follow a stringent set of rules set out by the Quebec government.

For example, in order for sponsor to skip the "void in Quebec" restriction, Quebec sweepstakes law requires that the sponsors must do some or all of the following things:

* Register the sweepstakes rules and all advertisements used to promote the contest with the Quebec government at least 30 days ahead of the sweepstake's launch.
* Pay a fee of 10% of the sweepstake's value.
* Agree to allow the government of Quebec to mediate any lawsuits arising from the contest.
* Follow strict guidelines about the contents of the sweepstakes rules.
* Allow the Quebec government to determine if the sweepstake may be changed or canceled once it has started.
* File a written report after the contest has concluded, attesting that the prizes have been delivered or attempted to be delivered.
* Agree to follow a number of other rules and guidelines. See the Quebec Sweepstakes Laws.

While these laws are intended to protect the citizens of Quebec, they are also a significant burden of money and resources to sweepstakes sponsors, and the consequences for a mistake are severe. Rather than run the risk of facing legal action if these long and complicated rules are not followed to the letter, many sponsors take the easy route of making their contests void in Quebec.
You get the government you deserve.
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Old 12-01-2009, 10:34 AM   #6
Evil Chris
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I know I know.... in many ways it does SUCK to be living here in Quebec.

But thanks Ron, you know I'd likely hit 90% of those shots from the opposite blueline so if you win, I'll use my uncle's address in Sudbury!

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chris at | ICQ 342827
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