China Fuels Anti-Porn Drive By Adding More Funds To Bounty - X Nations
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Old 01-26-2010, 01:46 PM   #1
J-SiN should edit this
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Default China Fuels Anti-Porn Drive By Adding More Funds To Bounty

With disturbing stealth, China has been successful in weeding out porn in their cyberspace (or so they think). Since December of last year, thousands upon thousands of pornsites had been purged. Emboldened by their success, they are reportedly adding more money to the pot to encourage people to help them eliminate porn.

It seems in line with their conflicts with Google regarding clipped online searches, the supposed theft of proprietary codes and the legal disputes regarding cyberattacks, the Chinese government is finally showing their arrogance. To its citizens, it is becoming an economic venture, or a treasure hunt that tends to overlook the why's. I only wonder how accurate the Chinese are in truly "cleaning" or are they inadvertently making piracy more difficult to track down. I guess with little self-awareness, I have a good feeling that their arrogance might just backfire in ways that may be irrevocable.

However, I feel that the porn industry is taking a quiet stance into this. Our market is largely in the Westrn Hemisphere. If you think about it, China might even be helping us out from rampant piracy. But something here doesn't add up and the whole idea doesn't sit well with me.
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