02-09-2010, 01:44 PM
should edit this
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 97
xBucks: 51,359
We're Giving Away the Gold!!
We're Giving Away the Gold!!
2010 is your time to win REAL GOLD from FriendFinder Networks! You may know us as the tried-and-true program that includes AdultFriendFinder.com, Cams.com, ALT.com, and GetItOn.com (in addition to many other sites.) We are five weeks into our contest so far! Have you won our gold yet?
How Much Gold??
So far we've given away five weeks worth of prizes! That means we've awarded 70g x 4 sites x 5 weeks for a total of 1400g of real gold! For those counting, that's OVER 3lbs!! There's still MUCH MORE gold to be won, so don't miss your opportunity!
The February Midas Challenge
During the month of February 2010, the top five affiliates will compete to see who can generate the largest total increase in quality signups (compared with their monthly average quality signups during the period October 15, 2009 to December 16, 2009). Eligible sites include Adult FriendFinder, ALT.com, Cams.com and GetItOn.com.

Oh Taya, what a naughty Gold Rush Girl you are!
How Much Gold Do You Get?
January and February Weekly Challenge: Each winner for each site (Adult FriendFinder, ALT.com, Cams.com and GetItOn.com) will receive 70g of gold for each week! The prizes will be awarded every Saturday starting January 9th and ending Feburary 27th 2010. Winners can also take the cash equivalent, which is approximately $2700, depending on the value of gold at the time of the prize award.
February Midas Challenge: During the month of February 2010, winners will receive 700g of gold for GetItOn.com, 420g for Adult FriendFinder and ALT.com, and 70g for Cams.com! The next four runners–up will receive bonus awards totaling 1400g. The February Bonus will be awarded to the Qualified Affiliates on or about March 15, 2010. A Qualified Affiliate may be awarded the February Bonus for all four websites. Winners will be contacted by their affiliate managers.
Please login and click on the Bonus Details link in the Webmaster Notice area for more detailed information on your current status during the bonus promotion. You can also ask your Affiliate Manager any questions you may have regarding these bonuses.
** Limited to one weekly prize payout per GPID within the two-month duration of promotion. One winner per eligible site.
† Certain qualifications and restrictions apply. Please login to read the official bonus rules.
Good luck with your gold panning!!