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Old 04-07-2010, 09:37 PM   #1
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Default Win $$$ guys!! (and girls!!)


Paradise Marketing Announces Astroglide $100
Golden Ticket Program

Astroglide consumers have a chance to win money with
every bottle!
April 8, 2010 – Vista, CA Paradise Marketing, on the heels of another excellent year with sales of Astroglide personal lubricant products, now unveils the Astroglide Golden Ticket Program to help to boost store’s spring sales. Random packages of any Astroglide products will include a golden ticket that gives the consumer an American Express debit card for $100.

Retailers that participate in the program will get signage to alert their customers of this unique program. The naked truth - Multiple golden tickets will be spread among shipments from now through July 1, 2010. There will be multiple winners across the country.

Paradise Marketing Spokesperson, Terry McGowan states, "First, and most importantly, the Golden Ticket giveaway is a way to thank our customers, who choose Astroglide for their personal lubricant. Everybody can use an extra $100. And now lucky Astroglide users will get that chance with their every purchase. Secondly, the Golden Ticket Program gives our retailing partners a way to show their customers a potential reward for buying Astroglide products in their stores. We're excited about the program and we're proud of the support we've found from our retailers and distributors."

This special promotion is only available through Paradise Marketing Services and only through participating purchasers and retailers in the United States. The potential number of golden tickets that the retailer’s customers might receive will depend on how much Astroglide they sell. The golden tickets are randomly placed in Astroglide products including original Astroglide and Glycerin and Paraben free formulas.

Astroglide continues to excite customers bring them into the stores for one of the most trusted personal lubricant products. Additionally, Astroglide users are granted the opportunity to purchase a high performance product and win money.

Paradise Marketing stands out as the pre-eminent and most trusted trade source for personal lubricants, condoms and feminine hygiene products for over thirty years. Known for its swift and complete service, competitive price and integrity, the company aligns itself with the best products with the broadest appeal to bring to its trade customers.
If you’d like more information about Astroglide’s Golden Ticket Program, contact the staff at Paradise Marketing ( To place orders, contact Terry McGowan, National Accounts Manager at 1-800-993-3664.

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