Bumfights Busted! - X Nations
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Old 09-25-2002, 09:26 AM   #1
twinkley should edit this
Pillow Talk Pimpette
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Thumbs up Bumfights Busted!

Although I don't normally agree with the police, this story made my morning!


I am soooo happy that someone is doing something about these idiots since the people in our industry apparently thought this was okay for content for paysites.

I have been publicly against bumfights since I saw a couple of the producers start it up in Vancouver with some innocent guy on the street. I will NEVER understand how the people in this industry (not all, but a lot) thought that it would be okay, even profitable, to make money of the HARM of innocent people. In my mind, this is no different than a girl getting beat up/raped/forced to do stuff that wasnt in the agreement, just because she is getting paid..

Oh yeah, one more thing before I end my little rant (this has had me worked up for quite a while).....

Who decided it would be a good idea to mix sex and violence? The government is already breathing down our backs about porn being bad, addictive, not safe as to cause men to hurt women etc etc - so WHY would you want to ADD direct violence to it? Not kinky sexy pseudo violence, but real, harsh, cold, violence.

I just dont get it.... I do hope that the police will shut this down. I dont want to see these guys go to Jail, I just want them to stop this, and if we wont - then I guess the police should.

I still just dont understand why WE as a community accepted this.... Sometimes I tihnk we make the governments case for them....

I'm looking for dating and cam traffic - if you have it - hit me up!

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