Now the longest-running football pool in the adult industry!
First off, congratulations to our 3rd place overall finisher and winner of the
3rd place prize of $250 CASH: zoltic
Our SECOND PLACE overall finisher and winner of the
2nd place prize of $500 CASH: sticki
And the GRAND PRIZE in the PussyCash 7th Annual NFL Pickem Pool is ---
sicone--- You win the $1000 CASH
To collect your prize: send an ICQ to Adam: 174-167-541
Or email him at: adam at pussycash dot com
The top 10 finishers:
(Name, Total Points, and Overall Picking %)
1. sicone 2429 54.12%
2. sticki 2348 53.38%
3. zoltic 2329 53.38%
4. Fonz666 2313 54.12%
5. jackd22 2267 56.21%
6. BigVikingAl 2256 56%
7. darlo 2212 52.63%
8. Michael_O 2212 51.5%
9. Spoff 2206 50.75%
10. greenguy 2203 52.25%
Here is the list of all the weekly $100-$200 cash winners during the regular season:
Wk 01: sticki
Wk 02: Dave-NYC
Wk 03: zoltic
Wk 04: greenguy
Wk 05: CDSmith
Wk 06: oOghostriderOo
Wk 08: CDSmith
Wk 09: pf69
Wk 10: BoltsAllTheWay
Wk 11: zoltic
Wk 12: Fonz666
Wk 13: Mmeira
Wk 14: Gandie
Wk 15: Presmar
Wk 16: pf69
Wk 17: LAJ
Congratulations to all our winners!
And to everyone else: thanks for playing,
and thanks to the XNations board and it's admins for allowing the pool updates to be posted.
Special thanks to PUSSYCASH for again showing that they are indeed
the most generous program on the web.
If you're not yet signed up as an affiliate...

there's no time like the present!!
Get in the game and be eligible for all of the great PussyCash promotions and
moneymaking opportunities that only PussyCash affiliates enjoy.
This brings to a close the 7th Annual PussyCash NFL Pickem Pool
I hope you all had fun and I hope to see you all next year.