100!!! and requesting help - X Nations
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Old 09-27-2002, 06:30 PM   #1
baddog should edit this
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Default 100!!! and requesting help

To celebrate my 100th post, I am going to ask for some assistance on behalf of my daughter.

This is a question for those of you that use Macs and pcs.

My daughter is taking a class that is set up with Mac IBooks, and she has a pc with Windows ME.

She uses Microsoft Word to write her papers, and must be able to load them into a Mac IBook when she is in class.

Are there going to be any compatibility issues? She has a rewriteable cd burner, although she is not sure if the Mac does or not.

So, can she create .doc files on her ME box and load them onto the Mac, and then work on them with the Mac and be able to load it back onto the ME pc? Are floppy disks interchangeable these days (they did not used to be back in the day)? Do IBooks usually have CDRW, if so, are they compatible with the pc format?

Anyone know? Thank you in advance.
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