LA & SOCAL Webmasters! COME get DRUNK.. We're BUYING!!
Next Thursday July 3rd we will be doing a July 4th kick-off party. Booze and BBQ will be provided! All webmasters, sponsors, talent or anyone else is welcome to come! We’ll supply the booze and food; you bring yourself and be ready to party! We’ll have a pool table, swimming pool, hot tub, and more!
If interested e-mail me:
shawn at
hit me up on icq 139682480
or aim grimshawn
Come get wasted on US!
RSVP via e-mail with how many people are coming so we can get lots of booze! Directions will be posted soon!
Grim Shawn - ICQ 139682480
 That's correct the World Famous GRIM SHAWN!