08-08-2003, 11:40 PM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Montréal
Posts: 4,780
xBucks: 45,435
Rumor has it...
... that Xnations is hosting a majorly kewl contest.
Have you ladies and gentleman read the XNations newsletter? Have you read the contest thread? If you didn't, you better do so NOW!
Because... there's one hell of a kewl contest starting in just 2 days!(Sunday, 12 noon Eastern, August 10th )
Everyone has an equal chance to win prizes. There's even multiple ways to win! - Post & Refer,
Longest Thread,
Name That Tune
No other adult webmaster board has a kick ass contest like this one! There's all kinds of cool prizes and cash up for grabs! - $1,000 worth of licensed image content from Fresh Photos
$695.00 - 1 month package "Bang 'em Young" from Hustler Content
$300.00 worth of licensed image content from
Fetish Brokers
A 3 month hosting package from with up to 100 gigs of transfer per month from OXEO
$750 one month package of "sextvlive" from Content Guys
$300 in licensed image content from Adult Legal
$500 one month package of content (straight or gay) from Awesome Content/Python
$500 one month package from Socal Streams
3 prizes of $100 US dollars.... CASH!
So, as you can see, there's prizes up for grabs for anyone! There's content, hosting, and $$$ !!!
Good Luck Everyone!
Refer to the
Official Contest Thread for complete details!

Last edited by Panky; 08-08-2003 at 11:50 PM.