Let's help cool1!!! - X Nations
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Old 09-06-2003, 07:40 AM   #1
firehorse should edit this
Kitty's love slave :)
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Default Let's help cool1!!!

We all know fate can throw us a curve ball. That is what has happened to cool1. Banks, his ex-wife and other circumstances have left him with the need to come up with $2000 to keep his house and he had just won custody of his daughter.

He has major kneck and back problems and is trying to get construction work because he can't seem to make the dollars online quickly enuff since his break.

Let's help someone to help themself, cool1 has always helped all of us in any way he can

He is real, let's show him we are.

I'll see if we can set up a fund.

Who wants to donate, and get cool1 back online with us?

ADDED BY KITTY (coz I know some lazy ppl dont read the whole thread )

I will also add that anyone who donates to this fund I will give them a premium listing on our resources site FREE

If anyone doesnt have paypal - like PC - can someone else here who did want to contribute - get some designb work off him etc and donate the money to the fund?
perhaps we can do it like that?

Also if anyone donates over $100 like IGGY
I will PERSONALLY design them ANYTHING they want - paysite , premium AVS, whatever!!!
I'll even supply the content for the design if you dont have what you need

you can send help via paypal to:
ICQ 512 915

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