The time has come... I need beta testers - X Nations
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Old 09-09-2003, 12:10 PM   #1
Mystery Man
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Default The time has come... I need beta testers

Hey all!

As some of you might know I've been working on a new project of mine, for the past 4-5 months.
I've finally reached the point where I can start taking beta testers in. So that is what I'm doing now

The project is my new money making program which shall remain nameless until launch
The sites are reality based, but these are not ripoffs of other programs but all exclusive new ideas.
So if you wanna get aboard before everybody else does and you can send a min. of 1-3 joins a day, then read below.

I'm looking for all kinds of traffic.
Seo's, Mailers, Tgp's, Linklists... etc you name it!

As a beta tester you will be given access to 5 topconverting sites that you can promote exclusively before we launch the program.
The feedback you give and the signups you send will be taken into consideration for further improvements of the program.

TGP & Linklist
Tgp and linklist guys will find this opportunity real interesting, as we have more than 150 gsallery templates for you to use.
1000's of exclusive pictures and lots of video clips aswell, also we have tons of hosted galleries for each site.

As of now we will only be doing partnership unless you can do a great amount of signups on a daily base.
Checks will go out bi-weekly.

Should this be of interest to you then send me an email to michael at or leave your icq in this thread and I will be sure to hook you up.

And please be serious about this, as I don't want to waste my time as I'm sure you do not want to waste yours either.

Kindest Regards,
Michael aka. Mystery Man
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