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Old 11-18-2003, 08:00 AM   #1
wsjb78 should edit this
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Default ICQ Hijackers

One of my best friends' ICQ account got hijacked by some fucker.

She just uses it for personal chat and stuff and I really don't see any reason why someone would do that to her.

Anway, I've searched the net a bit for some pwd hacker for ICQ but all I found were made for ICQ 98 versions and although downloading the version and installing the hacks they do not work anymore...

So right now, except from having contacted ICQ Support about it there's nothing I can think of doing to get her the account back BUT during my reserach I just came accross this little article.

I think it may be of use for you:

There is only one way that I know of on how to make that people will
NEVER get their password back: Use a hidden ASCII character in your

Example: If the password is “hello”, change it to “[ALT+0160]hello”
ALT+0160 is a hidden ASCII character and if people retrieve
their password (which has been changed by you) they will only
see “hello”, without the hidden character.

Wtf? Directly from my inbox:

"I do not reali understand Appendix 1, as I m not very
familiar with ASCII characters as u said in the tutorial
>Example: If the password is “hello”, change it to
“[ALT+160]hello” ALT+0160 is a hidden ASCII character<
how do u change it to >[ALT+0160]hello< in ICQ, coz theres
only 8 characters in pw"

The answer is quite simple: [ALT+0160] is a keycode.
So while pressing the ALT key type "0160" on your keypad. Then
let go of the ALT key and you'll notice that you have one
For those who still don't get it, it's between the brackets:
[ ] <-- copy the character that is between the brackets.
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