I am so pissed! - X Nations
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Old 01-24-2004, 01:04 AM   #1
Vid Vicious
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Default I am so pissed!

Ok so it's -30 here in lovely Montreal Deep freeze Canada .. I had a lovely night planned .. was gonna have dinner at my parents .. then I wwas supposed to be off to a couple of Strip clubs to help out a freind that's featuring ..I also had a nice bottle of Wine that I was gonna drink with a girlfriend of mine back at her place once I was done with the clubs .. But my oh my how the night ended up differently ..

it all started on the drive to my parents house, right on the highway I hear a thumb .. It's my tire a blow out (the thrid time this season during the deep freeze whether that my Michilan tires blows cus of the cold) .. I quickly get off the highway to the service road .. but unfortunitly there isn't a shoulder (emergency lane) since the city still hasn't been abole to clean out highways .. so I nudge myself to the snow banks, call CAA (canadian version of AAA) .. they tell me to find some place warm to wait for they're call since it's a busy night .. I call a friend tht lives ten minutes away from where I am .. He comes to get me and we go to a coffee shop right behind where my truck is .. After waiting 3 hours for a tow truck I gat a call back from CAA telling me that it will be at least another 45 minutes .. And that I should leave my keys with the truck in case they can't make it to me in that allowed time frame (mind you they kept telling that because of my loaction I was a priority) ..

I decide with my friend to head over to my truck to drop off the keys ... we get there only to find a police car and flat bed tow truck with my vehicule on it! .. He fuckin draged my truck up on there in the park position .. I get out ot speak with the cops .. they tell me that they got a complaint and had to move my vehicule but that since I was there the tow truck would deliver my vehicle to my garage ... And that there was a ticket waiting for me in my truck that had the tow truck fees included in it .. 183$ ...

Fine we follow the tow truck to the garage of my choice (one exit futher) ... I notice the tow truck driver is on the phone rather then taking my truck down .. So I walk over to him in this freezing cold whether and ask him what's up .. he tells me that the dispatch wants me to pay an additional 120$ plus 15% taxes if I want my truck dropped off .. Hell no .. The Police ticket already has all those rates included ... After lots of arguing and many phone calls the truck driver leaves with my truck to bring it to they're pound .. So now it's gonna cost me 350$ to get my truck back .. another tow to the Garage to get a 4 new tires (since they've been draging my truck in Park, and new rims) ... If I was gonna get fucked up the ass the least they could of down was ask me to drop my pants!!!! .. So Now I'm without my truck, without my GF and a nice bottle of wine and by tomorrow afternoon I'll be out close to 600$ !!!

Someone is gonna pay for this and it's not me ...

Thank you for allowing me a forum to rant and rave .. Good night
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