New TabooRevenue program: OnlineCigaretteClub! - X Nations
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Old 03-08-2004, 03:45 PM   #1
Fyrflygrl should edit this
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Default New TabooRevenue program: OnlineCigaretteClub!

Taboorevenue is excited to announce that Online Cigarette Club is offering webmasters an exciting opportunity to make money off a commodity more addictive than porn -- Cigarettes.

Fact: The price of cigarettes is skyrocketing throughout the US due to the rise of tobacco taxes.

Fact: Cigarettes are highly retentive products--customers buy over and over again.

Online Cigarette Club offers webmasters a compelling opportunity to add something new to their websites/promotion strategies other than porn/penis pills.

As an added bonus: Webmasters can qualify to win prizes just for sending easy sales.

Being a webmaster has never been this rewarding.

One affiliate will win a 2004 H2 Hummer. Enjoy in a 4 door, 6-passenger luxury sport utility vehicle.

They're giving away two 2004 Harley Davidson motorcycles.

Cash Bonuses will be up to $35,000. You can be one of the five winners.

You can be one of the 20 webmasters who will be OnlineCigaretteClub's guest for a Secret Vacation to an exotic locale. Better get your passports ready to go on your trip and have a blast!

There are still more prizes to come. Be sure to sign up now and start promoting on your website today. Start making money and qualifying to win prizes! Don?t miss out!

Click here, Join now, and get a $100 Bonus paid with your first commission check!

(For a plethora of affordable webmaster services, inlcluding enticing copy like this:
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