YNOTRadio Launches New Show Today: Fusion w/Brian & Cyndalie - X Nations
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Old 05-13-2004, 12:48 PM   #1
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Mental Masturbater
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Default YNOTRadio Launches New Show Today: Fusion w/Brian & Cyndalie

“FUSION with Brian and Cyndalie” Comes to YnotRadio.com

A new show hits the Internet radio airwaves at 2:00 Eastern/11:00 Pacific Thursdays on the YnotRadio Network (http://www.YnotRadio.com). “FUSION with Brian and Cyndalie”, a radio talk show about web site usability and how website design and marketing interact to make a website successful, begins on Thursday, May 13, 2004.

“The fusion of marketing and design is an imperative concept for website usability,” stated Cyndalie. “You must have both working effectively for the user in order to create a successful website. The site can look beautiful, but if it is not marketable there is a chance no one will find it and it may fail. If the site is findable and generates visitors but does not maintain a look and feel user’s feel comfortable making a purchase at, it may also not succeed. These two elements must work together and it is the goal of Brian and I to educate webmasters on the relationship between the two and the options therein.”

About the Hosts of FUSION
Brian Ashlock has been a web and graphics designer since 1995 and has worked in both the mainstream and the adult industry. His portfolio and services website http://www.LiquidFusionGraphics.com showcases his work which includes HTML, dynamic, and Flash website design. Brian has advanced his career into video editing for the web and CD-ROM animation and will be offering information on all types of web design, working on the Macintosh platform, and providing both time saving tips, general advice and resources on website usability for the webmaster-designer of all skill levels.

Cynthia “Cyndalie” Ashlock is fairly well known in the adult industry as a 6 year veteran specializing in search engine optimization, copy writing, general development issues, and marketing to both adult webmasters (business) and surfers (consumers). Cyndalie is currently representing next generation webmaster resource site http://www.IndustryElite.com and the free adult portal http://www.TheNaughtyNetwork.com. With knowledge of both the PC and the Macintosh, Cyndalie will be providing input on website usability from the stance of the webmaster-marketer.

“FUSION with Brian and Cyndalie” will join other great Internet radio shows on YnotRadio.com lineup such as “RainMaker” with SEGuru and Brandy on Thursdays at 7:00PM EST, “Hump Day Lunch Show” with YnotBob and LAJ at 3:00PM EST, “PillowTalk” with Twinkley at 3:00PM EST, The Porn Professors at 3:00PM EST Mondays and many more – visit http://www.YnotRadio.com for the complete show lineup or to listen to the 24/7 streaming broadcast.

Webmasters that wish to ask questions to be answered on the air can either email Cyndalie at Cyn@IndustryElite.com or ask in the chat room during the show. Requests to become a guest are also accepted by Cyndalie.

About YNOT Radio
YNOT Radio is the premiere community-based destination for high-competition Webmasters offering unique and timely programming and is fully RIAA compliant. To become part of a rapidly growing lineup of educational and entertaining programming and to take advantage of incredible advertising opportunities for your upwardly mobile business, please contact brandy@seguru.net
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