XNations is slow, hadn't you noticed? I'm finding that traffic is higher during the week.
Anyway, yeah... the spam bots have to be deleted almost daily around here. I'm sure it's the same on other boards too.
I have noticed. I actually only post on a couple of boards that are totally focussed on my business. I think its the way of the future. I am seriously losing interest.
is Trying to not let
life get in the way
of life
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Calif
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Most boards are slow lately and finding people willing to post is always a problem...
Chris, we use a vB plugin that forces members registering to answer a random question before being able to complete registration. I loaded it up with simple math problems like "5 + 8 =" and reversed words. We had a SERIOUS problem before this plugin and virtually nothing since. Been over a year now. :knocks wood: I'll find the name if you want
I've heard of plugins like that for almost all types of boards and can be built for other systems as well.
Most boards are slow lately and finding people willing to post is always a problem...
Chris, we use a vB plugin that forces members registering to answer a random question before being able to complete registration. I loaded it up with simple math problems like "5 + 8 =" and reversed words. We had a SERIOUS problem before this plugin and virtually nothing since. Been over a year now. :knocks wood: I'll find the name if you want
I've heard of plugins like that for almost all types of boards and can be built for other systems as well.
Thanks... yes I've seen a couple similar scripts out their. One that even forces the registering user to look at a photo and name it in a field.
If you are complaining about the users plugin and CamsMaster, they are not bots. CamsMaster appears just to be a sig whore. There's no issues with plugin.
If you are complaining about the users plugin and CamsMaster, they are not bots. CamsMaster appears just to be a sig whore. There's no issues with plugin.
I am not a sig whore, just that I post when I have the time, I really like this forum, I really like you guys, but if you don't want me here I will not use anymore this forum, as I said I don't have the time to visit it each day... and when I have it I just want to answer on each thread... I don't know if it's something wrong with this!....
Just open a thread and ask in it for my exclusion from this forum, based on a reason.
I am not a sig whore, just that I post when I have the time, I really like this forum, I really like you guys, but if you don't want me here I will not use anymore this forum, as I said I don't have the time to visit it each day... and when I have it I just want to answer on each thread... I don't know if it's something wrong with this!....
Just open a thread and ask in it for my exclusion from this forum, based on a reason.
You do have behavior similar to a sig whore. It's not a major issue at this point, but please check your private message folder. Your name was one that was mentioned because I noticed rhetorical called you a bot in another thread. Since this thread was started about bots, I figured you were one he was referring to.
You do have behavior similar to a sig whore. It's not a major issue at this point, but please check your private message folder. Your name was one that was mentioned because I noticed rhetorical called you a bot in another thread. Since this thread was started about bots, I figured you were one he was referring to.
ok, if you say so, just that from now on you should know that I am not a bot and that I not visiting to often, but when I do it I usually post on more threads then one, because we this is the reason that makes this board so quiet and almost secret, I found it by mistake by the way, so on my opinion things should move faster down here so we can have a bigger activity and we should bring more members.
I am thinking this type of thing could be used to prevent full site rips by all those forum cocksuckers. Imagine if you had to add 2 + 3 before you could down load a photo set or a video. It would stop site rippers cold. I am ruminating. Anyone have any thoughts on this?