Microsoft charges an absurd amount of $ for a product they claim to be secure due to the security of their code.... Even before the code was leaked on the internet no Microsoft product is ever secure.... and yes... when you deal with LANs you usually dont have many problems, because the computers must go through a gateway to access the internet and thus worms dont usually make it through unless you got NAT messed up or misconfigured. Firewalls are the worlds best friend.
I'm a *Nix/BSD junky... Ive never ever had to reboot any of my FreeBSD machines, yet my Windows 2000 Server has to be restarted practically every other month due to these updates and security flaws. If Microsoft wanted to, they could create an entireley secure system, but then the service sector of the economy would take a dive due to the lack of jobs for us service techs and it consultants out there....
The real issue, is whether or not people would like to be trained in something they are not familiar with... but if everyone ran a network on opensource systems, there would be no problems. Not to mention it will keep your overhead drastically low, since most opensource software is free
Those are my 2 cents.... I dont wanna start an opensource/microshaft flame thread... but I value your opinion.
Oh... and I built this WinXP machine here at home for the family, and after Service pack I I disabled autoupdate, and keep it behind my router, and I never have any problems either.... Of course I dont use internet explorer, because everyone and their mother programs spyware to self install on internet explorer......
Mozilla BABY!!
Miami..... what more can I say....