Hey everyone, yup it's my first post here. Just wanted to stop by and let everyone know that Blistered Palms Adult Search directory is open and taking submissions at
For those of you unfamiliar with Blistered Palms we run a great Yahoo/DMOZ style adult only search engine. We have 0ver 118 categories to choose from. If you don't see a category that fits your site, hit me up on ICQ 204-407-085 and I will add it.
A text recip is required and will be provided upon submission. Other than that the only requirement is that you keep our recip up as long as you would like to be listed.
Take 5 mins and add your sites, it's not going to cost you a dime, now or ever!
Enjoy The traffic!
PS we have just tonight secured 100k uniques to be served over the next 30 days of the very best converting traffic we could find, don't miss out!